
NOTHING ESSENTIAL HAPPENS IN THE ABSENCE OF NOISE ___ Praxis Records e Breakcore nel documentario di Sil Bia

Il silenzio esiste solo nei luoghi morti come le profondità dei deserti, il fondo degli abissi, lo spazio siderale. Nell’asepsi acustica delle stanze insonorizzate, oppure nella tomba. Negli anni Sessanta dicevano che il suono del silenzio è quello dell’incomunicabilità e dell’isolamento, che “cresce come un cancro”. In effetti nulla di essenziale accade in assenza di

NOTHING ESSENTIAL HAPPENS IN THE ABSENCE OF NOISE ___ Praxis Records e Breakcore nel documentario di Sil Bia Leggi tutto »

KABALISTIC DADA-DANDY __ Il cappello mistico di Omar Nardi

Una camicia dadaista ripiegata. Dal suo colletto fuoriesce un piccolo copricapo ottocentesco da uomo. Un cappello da uomo rimpicciolito, portato sul davanti, come il cilindro di Wilhelmina Murray in Bram Stokers Dracula. Concepito per ragazze androgine dal cranio rasato, sulla nuca presenta una kippah ebraica, una piccola calotta strutturata da un cluster di papillon neri.

KABALISTIC DADA-DANDY __ Il cappello mistico di Omar Nardi Leggi tutto »


Graphic elegance, tribal vocation, a subtle eroticism in a morbid anatomy style. The classical statues are quoted by amputations in Francesco D’Isa’s art. The limbs, severed by time, integrate in a living body, becoming decorations, baroque whirls, smoothed roundels like doll parts. Lately the protagonists of D’Isa’s works have abandoned their universe of damask and

THIS WHOLE WORLD’S WILD AT HEART AND WEIRD ON TOP__ The exhibition of Francesco D’Isa Leggi tutto »

THE EIGHTH HOUR ___ Ghost stories in the artwork of Katsushika Hokusai, Tsukiyoka Yoshitoshi, Maruyama Ōkyo, Mariko Mori and Miwa Yanagi

According to the ancient Japanese system of time measurement,the eighth hour, yatsudoki, corresponded to our 2 after midnight. Each Japanese hour was equal to two European hours,so there were only six hours instead of twelve: these six hours were counted backwards, i.e. 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 … So the ninth  hour corresponded to

THE EIGHTH HOUR ___ Ghost stories in the artwork of Katsushika Hokusai, Tsukiyoka Yoshitoshi, Maruyama Ōkyo, Mariko Mori and Miwa Yanagi Leggi tutto »

THE QUEEN OF THE INANIMATE __ Sacred aedicules, freaks, tiny monsters and mirrors in the artwork of Liz McGrath

A court of creepy little creatures, run away from the Goblin City in Labyrinth. Big eyes, bat-wings, little sharp teeth in a Muppet Show snout. A long before the Corpse Bride, blue China flesh, stitches, missing pieces: they are dolls with too much experience, long limbs, yellow eyes. Like cats, or like a Betty Boop

THE QUEEN OF THE INANIMATE __ Sacred aedicules, freaks, tiny monsters and mirrors in the artwork of Liz McGrath Leggi tutto »

SOUL MARKETING ___ Shapeless humanity, fashion system and trendy stereotypes in the artwork of Mark Gmehling at Superplan Gallery

 Trendy colouring, basic combining between black and yellow. Four wheel roller skates on ankle boots in 80’s Nike-style. Fingers which form victory sign, erecting on arms entwined as a DNA helix. Mark Gmehling represents gummy beings, a sort of humanity seen through the filter of a psychedelic drug which puzzles and reveals. Their limbs form

SOUL MARKETING ___ Shapeless humanity, fashion system and trendy stereotypes in the artwork of Mark Gmehling at Superplan Gallery Leggi tutto »

DOLL PARTS ___ The childhood issue in the film Tydeland and in the artwork of Mark Ryden, Marion Peck, Camille Rose Garcia, Todd Schorr and Ray Caesar

1 in 10 seven- to eight-year-old child hears voices which aren’t really there. According to a Study by the University Medical Centre, Groningen, Netherlands Jeliza Rose, an eight-year-old girl, has got a father who dreams of the Vikings’ land and a mother who looks like Courtney Love, and she helps them both to shoot up

DOLL PARTS ___ The childhood issue in the film Tydeland and in the artwork of Mark Ryden, Marion Peck, Camille Rose Garcia, Todd Schorr and Ray Caesar Leggi tutto »

SPIRAL TRIBE ___ The representation of time through the ages till the symbolic form of the spiral in the artwork of Merz, Calder, Lanfredini, Nauman, Smithson, Dean, Ligorio, Gallard

Time changes form. On a perceptual level, with its upsurges and decelerations related to the mood, the frame of mind and the age of man, but not only. Also in its pure symbolic aspect.The self-devouring snake of the beginning, the giant who kills his sons, the deadly baroque hourglass, the persistences of memory of the

SPIRAL TRIBE ___ The representation of time through the ages till the symbolic form of the spiral in the artwork of Merz, Calder, Lanfredini, Nauman, Smithson, Dean, Ligorio, Gallard Leggi tutto »

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